Monday, 30 July 2012

Natural Tough Jute Doggie Toys

Proudly introducing the first 2 products of our eco-friendly line!

Our Hoot for Jute range is made of Jute which is a 100% renewable source.
These toys are tough and durable, and will not be destroyed easily. Check them out:

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Rain Splashes and Some Dog Care!

Monsoons are always such a magical time. The dripping, lush green and the comforting blanket of dark clouds somehow makes the world look so much better than usual. Of course the perceptions about rains would differ as they most certainly would, if you ask your dog!

Dogs are not very fond of water, and the constant rainfall added to the seemingly unfriendly thunder and rumbling clouds can cause our adorable pooches to feel scared and anxious. The intensity of fear among dogs will vary, with some dogs shaking during such times to others getting very aggressive. So it is important to keep them inside the house at all times and also close to family members for as much as possible. What better picture than quality family-time inside the comfort of the home with hot tea and snacks and the adorable pooch in the middle of it all!

Keeping your pet indoor is also a good idea because of the possibility of his/her catching an infection in the rains. In this weather, it is very common for dogs to catch infections on their paws and the high humidity makes your pooch’s fur even more appealing for ticks to settle into. Experts strongly recommend following a frequent anti-ticks and flea treatment all through the rainy season (check with your vet).   

Monsoon is also the time of the ‘creepy crawlies’ to come out and stretch! Lizards, cockroaches and a whole variety of insects come out to feast on the lush leaves and plants all around and also to escape from the moisture filling their respective havens. Now we all know our dogs love to play with insects and lizards but this is not always a safe thing because dogs tend to catch the insects in their mouths and sometimes even eat them. In case the insect has poison or toxic substances in its body, it can cause serious harm to the dog- sometimes even death. So make sure your precious pooch does not frolic around too much and play with the ‘wrong friends’.

Just a little extra care will earn you and your pet a happier monsoon and some added licks and tail wags!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Are dogs colour-blind?

Popular wisdom has it that dogs are colour blind but recent research suggests that a dog’s world is more than just black and white.
Research carried out at the University of California in the 1980’s suggests that dog’s can see colours but their ‘chromatic acuity’ is less than what humans have.

This is because of 2 main reasons:
  •        Dog’s retinas have fewer cone cells, which contain pigments that help perceive specific colour wavelengths
  •         Dog’s are dichromatic: the canine colour fields consists mostly of blues, yellows and colours in between. While humans are trichromatic and see 3 primary colours.

However dogs have a much higher concentration of rod cells, which are responsible for seeing black-and-white, and also much more sensitive in lower light conditions. They have a structure behind their retina called ‘Tapetum Lucidum’, which helps them see objects in the dark as if lit by a glow! For these reasons, dogs have much better night vision than people.

How the colour spectrum looks to dogs and people:

Monday, 2 July 2012

Our new Toys

My lab Sara is a naughty, playful dog with lots of spirit!
She also needs to be constantly entertained and one of her favourite past times is PLAYTIME!
She loves toys. Annoyingly, she managed to tear every new toy I bought for her within seconds.
Annoyed at how almost no toy was good enough in the Indian market for a tough chewer like her, Heads Up For Tails decided to make their own.
We spent months finding the strongest, most durable material available. And after months of research of
toy making, we finally came up with an excellent collection that we are proud of :)

Made with Denier fabric, these toys are waterproof, easy to clean and long-lasting.

We do not claim that they are in-destructible as almost nothing is, but they are definitely nicer, and stronger than your average dog toy. They have passed the test of not just Sara but 3 other dogs of customers who claim that their pet destroys toys within seconds.
We suggest you give them a try :)